About Us

Kingrey is a Dallas based company servicing Texas and Oklahoma that can help you with valve, equipment, and service needs.

Our wastewater valves are on the Standard Product Lists of many of the largest cities in Texas and the South East.

Our gate valves for common waterline sizes have standardized pricing.


Many valve companies are looking to increase their exposure to the Texas and Oklahoma markets. Contact us for great was to reduce your valve unit costs by 20%.


Let our expert engineers help you identify optimal solutions for your pump needs.


Legal questions? Lawyers are expensive. Some of them are worth the money, and some of them are not. Leverage our extensive relationship network to identify the right firm and attorneys for your specific needs.

Financial questions? Thinking about the implications of a large capital project? Struggling to get your system in compliance? Kingrey can help your system with simple financial “sanity checks” or introduce you to capital providers looking to invest both debt and equity into water systems.


No one works harder than the student athlete. Kingrey is a proud supporter of the SMU Football Team.